Radio Friendly Indie Rock & Alt Pop (by My Music Mixtape)

Playlist · Canadá


My Music Mixtape started in 2023 and is based in Canada. As a playlist curator, our goal is to discover the best emerging indie rock and alt pop artists and introduce them to the masses by shining the spotlight on them with our 'Radio Friendly Indie Rock & Alt Pop' playlist and blog.
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Gêneros aceitos mais frequentemente

Rock alternativo
Indie rock
Pop rock
Indie pop
Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Rock alternativo
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
  • Estados de espírito
    Gruda na cabeça
  • Atributos
    Guitarra acústica
    Guitarra eléctrica
    Produção profissional
    Disponível no Spotify
    Artista não assinado
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    Electronic rock
    Garage rock
  • Estados de espírito
Não quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Música clássica
    Death / Thrash
  • Humor
  • Atributo
Não sabe que género(s) se adequa(m) ao seu estilo musical? Consulte a nossa ficha de informação sobre os gêneros!


Add to Playlist Your music will be added to the 'Radio-Friendly Indie Rock & Alt Pop' playlist / 2,400 likes / 80 songs / Songs will be added to the top 20 (1-20) for 30 days minimum. Playlist is supported by Facebook & Instagram ads targeting music listeners who have a higher propensity to engage with the artists on the playlist. This is done by focusing only on interest groups related to alternative pop and indie rock and sound-alike artists. This will deliver high quality listeners who are more likely to engage with you and your music beyond the first listen. ‘On Repeat’ Blog Post Your song will be considered for ‘On Repeat’, My Music Mixtape’s roundup of our favorite tracks that are featured on the ‘Radio Friendly Indie Rock & Alt Pop’ playlist. This includes: - A 75-100 word “mini-review”, including a press quote, that can be used in your press kit and media package - A Spotify embed of the song in the post - A link to your Instagram profile - A pull quote directly from your bio or press kit Here are two examples:
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  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Faixas não lançadas e faixas já lançadas

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