Steam Music Group

Editore · Stati Uniti


Steam Music is a modern, innovative, active and creative music publishing-, promotion-, consulting- & sync-company, established and founded in 2013 and run by experienced music business executive Andrew Campbell. Andrew’s work experience includes time in senior positions at Sony Music Germany, SPV Records, Koch International and V2 Records. He also worked as Director of Development at the Colisium International Music Convention (Russia) and founded Gordeon Music Promotion.
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Generi accettati più spesso

Pop rock
Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Rock alternativo
    Commerciale / Mainstream
    Dance music
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
    Rock progressivo
É anche disponibile a ricevere...
  • Generi
    Danza pop
    Rock elettronico
    Garage rock
    Pop internazionale
    Musica latina
    Rock psichedelico
    Pop urbano
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Acid house
    Musica classica
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Deep house
    Elettronica sperimentale
    Jazz sperimentale
    Jazz fusion
    Hard Dance / Hardcore / Hardstyle
    Hip-hop strumentale
    Jazz moderno
    Neo / Classico moderno
    Pianoforte solista
    Trip hop
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I am in the music business for more than 30 years and have a great knowledge about the German market, what can work in Germany, what not, how to approach the German market, what are the demands etc. and I like to share this knowledge with artists. I do consulting for many years already, speak in panels about different topics. Also I know there is a big lack of information by the artists when it comes for example to publishing or the sync world and I think, as more educated artists are, as less they get into the position that they spend money on the wrong end when the approach a new market. So basically, my goals are to help and educate artists and share knowledge with them so that they can work their way up in one of the biggest and most challenging music markets in the world. The main goal is the share knowledge as it makes life much easier for all of us if you can work with well educated people.
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