After an atypical career path, the opportunity to work in the music industry came to me as an obvious choice. Today, I'm managing, coaching or giving advices to various developing artists.
Current Roster:
- Management : Josia / Pileos / Juste Shani
- Consulting: Antoine Loemba Quartet / Oscar Astral Rap / Florem / Lou Ciantar / Cobra Fantastic ...
Advices about career development strategy, track/EP/album release strategy, social networking strategy.
Help in building a booking stratégy
Help in finding grants
Conection with my network of professionals for specific issues.
Creating links between artists, musicians and professionals
Fornire consigli e feedback dettagliati
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Testi in qualsiasi lingua
Algerino, Andorra, Belga, Beninese, Canadese, Isolano delle Fær Øer, Francese, Guadalupana, Libanese, Lussemburgo, Martinicano, Mauriziano, Monegasco, Marocchino, Filippino, Reunionese, Senegalese, Seychellois, Sudafricano, Spagnolo, Svizzera e Tunisino