Started Viral Metal podcast On early 2024 with partnered World biggest metal Record label Nuclear blast, My Metal madness weekly podcast has now over 50 episodes out and It comes 1-2 times per week with Mega artists Like Nightwish, Marilyn Manson, Kreator, The Halo effect and New Unknown artist also change to get heard! Every week the show is on Finnish Top10 most listened Podcast on Apple podcasts!
I have also Instagram and Youtube page for Metal madness Weekly with Huge amont Followers.
I am metal artist also on Bands Magnadur, Houruva and Other music Projects going on all the time.
-Be on my viral Metal podcast with your song!
-Get featured on My socials(story/post)
-Be mentioned on my bands Socials(ten thousand followers)
-My Metal madness weekly Youtube page has 23K Subscribers and On my music channels i have ten Thousands of Followers together you have change to get mentioned on the channels and opportunity to get Seen my many Big influencers on music world!
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