IMPORTANT: We curate ALL playlists on this spotify profile:
Main-Playlist descriptions:
1) Minecraft Ambience: Ambient songs and calming instrumentals, ideally with a Minecraft relevance but not necessarily required.
2) Nostalgic Songs: Emotional tracks, songs with ambient elements or minimal vocals are both ok, the pieces should be evoking a sense of nostalgia.
3) soft piano + rainy day: Calm piano-focused instrumentals with a peaceful and hopeful or melancholic vibe.
4) Blue Hour: Ambient tracks with a preference for liminal and transitional vibes.
5) Stoicism Playlist: Songs with a peaceful vibe, including manga-related tracks like "Aruarian Dance", creating an atmosphere of inner tranquility.
We will add you for 1+ Month to one of our Top Playlists:
Stoicism Playlist (42k+)
blue hour (42k+)
nostalgic songs (9k+)
soft piano (13k+)
minecraft ambience (95k+)
im tired (22k+)
Hopecore 2025 (14k+)
Ambient Snowy (10k+)
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