99.9fm Bay FM - Australia's most easterly station - Living Your Arts Off show

Stazione radio · Australia


Hosted by award-winning international touring Musician, Actor, Music Producer, Activist & Educator, Nathan Kaye, LIVING YOUR ARTS OFF presents a tasty mix of new music, movie reviews, TV show reviews, including inspiring interviews with and articles on musicians, actors, film makers, poets and other fascinating artistic people usually on a mission to help the planet and other earthlings…. And of course, there’s a solid segment during the show to help teach artists and artisans how to live from their art form. Nathan draws on his decades of knowledge and connections in these fields to bring you the most captivating segment possible. You can tune in from anywhere in the world online at bayfm.org or your internet radio app or 99.9fm on your radio dial (within the Northern NSW region). The show airs 9am-12pm (AEST) on Mondays. Remember: reviews/ feedback from music industry professionals is incredibly valuable resource for your promotional activities.
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Generi accettati più spesso

Rock alternativo
Indie rock
Pop rock
Indie folk
Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Rock alternativo
    Rock elettronico
    Indie folk
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
    Pop psichedelico
    Rock psichedelico
    Trip hop
É anche disponibile a ricevere...
  • Generi
    Musica araba
    Elettro swing
    Rock sperimentale
    Jazz fusion
    Indie India
    Pop progressivo
    Rock progressivo
  • Stati d'animo
    Good vibes
    Testi significativi
  • Attributi
    Chitarra acustica
    Forte presenza sui social media
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Musica brasiliana
    Canzone Italiana
    Musica classica
    Musica country
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Death / Thrash
    Canzone tedesca
    Hard Dance / Hardcore / Hardstyle
    Rap internazionale
    K-pop / J-pop
    Musica latina
    Lofi bedroom
    Punk Rock
    Rap in inglese
    Rap francese
    Chanson Française/Variété
  • Stati d'animo
  • Attributi
    Bassa fedeltà
Non sei sicuro del genere musicale più adatto al tuo stile? Dai un'occhiata alla nostra guida ai generi musicali!


When you submit your song it is being reviewed by a music industry professional that you can use for social proof. If the song is amazing, unique or has some magic about it, it may also be considered for FM radio airplay, added to a playlist, get social media shout outs (Instagram & FB) & in certain, but rare circumstances that fit the theme of the show, potential interviews. IF YOUR MIX IS NOT BROADCAST READY, IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AIRING, but you'll still get an appraisal or review. For those interested in FM radio airplay, One of my additional criteria for airing songs is that the artist has at least an instagram account and link, (and also a Facebook account is helpful). If I can't tag you in the posts I make if I air your song and you can't promote it to your fanbase, then it's a missed opportunity for your career. Listeners need to be able to find you. That's the purpose of all this - to get more social proof/credit and connect your music with more potential fans. If I like your tune & wish to air it, you must send me a link to Apple Music. Australian artists will get highest preference because I prefer to play a certain percentage of local grown acts, but I do also play lots of music from anywhere in the world every week. If it is really good music, then I love to let our listeners hear it. Whether you get aired or not, this is still valuable to get reviewed. [By the way, I will reject acts that call their genre punk/rock, especially if you don't sound punk. I've had folk acts, synth-pop acts, pych-rock acts, call themselves punk/rock. The term punk may be fashionable, but it's not cool (I personally loathe punk as a genre & it doesn't suit my radio show time slot anyway). 'Punk' simply elicits the notion that you can't play your instruments well. Do yourself a favour & place yourself your actual genre.]
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Sta cercando...

  • Testi in Arabo, inglese, Ebraico e Hindi
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

Verificato da Groover

Da sapere
Alto tasso di risposta Attualmente sono molto attivi e danno un feedback a più del 90% dei brani ricevuti.
Alto tasso di condivisione Offrono opportunità a più del 15% delle tracce ricevute

Attività su Groover
2983 risposte date Da quando si è iscritto
100% tasso di risposta Ultimi 30 giorni
36% tasso di opportunità Ultimi 12 mesi
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