Studio 18 Record is an indie label based in the south of France, in Hyères. Our recording studio has been in operation since 2015 and we have been producing bands of all styles of music since October 2022.
Once a month, our studio is transformed into a concert hall for jazz concerts.
Each tuesday, in the section "on écoute quoi cette semaine ?", we present musics to listen to this week.
Studio 18 Records produces bands, from rehearsals to album recording, distribution and booking on stage. We'd be delighted to give artists constructive feedback on their projects so that we can help them in the best possible way.
In our playlist "on écoute quoi cette semaine?" (what are we listening to the week ?), we highlight artists on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok.
We also programme groups at our jazz concerts.
Organiser un évènement
Donner des conseils avisés / détaillés
Il/elle est à la recherche de…
Des paroles dans n’importe quelle langue
Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis