Booker, Label, Manager, Média / Journaliste, Mentor, Playlist·Angleterre
À propos de
Bio et comment ils soutiennent les artistes
An independent music label based in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) that runs a music blog and several Spotify playlists to help give a platform to good music and talented artists. We're open to label submissions from artists and also put on gigs, so we're open to any touring artists sending music our way. We can also offer detailed career advice and feedback and, of course, there are always the playlists we curate and the blog we run too, so we try to find a way that we can help.
Inclusion in Spotify Playlists and written reviews via the Pillar Artists blog. I can also offer detailed feedback, career advice and, potentially, offer live gig opportunities in the UK.
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Il/elle leur a récemment proposé des opportunités…