Hannah Bowers | Coach For Creatives

Mentor · États Unis
À propos de

Sa description

Hey artists! I am open to receiving your demos, songs for feedback, project details, and goals and any questions you have about the music industry. I'll get back to everyone I can with my feedback, thoughts and recommendations. ***PLEASE NOTE: I am not a media outlet or playlisting service. I cannot add you to a playlist or do an interview with you. I provide feedback, recommendations, and insight only. -- Hannah Bowers is a singer-songwriter, coach for creatives and CEO of PAL, a community of creatives supporting each other’s personal and professional growth through positivity, authenticity and love. When she's not writing and producing, she's helping other artists live their dreams. She has a bachelor's degree in Music Industry and Songwriting, 10+ years experience working across all areas of the music industry (film/tv, publishing, production, label) and a certification in emotional intelligence. She combines these tools to support young creatives live their most fulfilling, healthy and authentic lives through one-on-one mentoring sessions and artist coaching. She regularly holds supportive community events through her organization PAL, and shares self-development and creative tips + tricks on The PAL Podcast.
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Genres qu’il/elle accepte le plus

Indie pop
Alternative rock
Commercial / Mainstream
Pop rock
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Indie pop
    Lofi bedroom
    Pop punk
    Pop rock
    Psychedelic pop
  • Ambiances
    Good vibes
  • Caractéristiques
    Guitare acoustique
    Guitare électrique
    Mauvaise qualité sonore
    Bien pour synchro
    Clips vidéo
    Disponible sur Spotify
    Jeune projet
    Expérience sur scène
    Présent sur les réseaux
    Artiste entouré
    Artiste indépendant
    Album à venir
    Jeunes talents
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Genres
    Beats / Lo-fi
    Chill out
    Indie Dance
    Indie folk
    Indie rock
    Pop soul
    Psychedelic rock
    Surf rock
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

General Artist Advice Tell us your goals and questions and we'll provide industry-based guidance and help point you in the right direction and connect you to the right people, places, and communities. Project Feedback Send me your project and vision and I'll provide suggestions for how you can improve. I can even suggest potential collaborators (producers, engineers, graphic designers, photographers, videographers) to help get your project over the finish line. Personalized Promotion Advice Send me your project and goals for its release and I'll provide suggestions for how and where to best promote your project so it finds the right audience
Donner des conseils avisés / détaillés

Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Des paroles dans n’importe quelle langue
  • Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

Vérifié par Groover

Activité Groover
159 feedbacks réalisés Depuis son inscription
45% taux de réponse 30 derniers jours
L'envoi d'un morceau à ce média pro coûte