Hi, i'm Luca and i'm 25.
I love music since i was a kid. I always loved the idea trying to work in music market and i'm halfway there.
Right now i'm a Journalist for TheSoundcheck.it (https://thesoundcheck.it/), Distorsioni Sonore (https://distorsionisonore.it/) and Posta Indipendente (https://postaindipendente.it/) where i write album reviews and live report for gigs.
I can add your song to "SoundWeekly", in which i'm one of 2 curators, a weekly playlist for the best albums and songs of the week. (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2bUcplBSkNUoTVSZx3daT3?si=66910cd542ac4867)
I can write a review on my personal blog https://limbilimbi.altervista.org/.
I can also try to send your music to the artistic director, maybe you can be our next artist.
I could also make a little video review to publish on my yt channel.
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