🇮🇹 Il nuovo portale per la musica emergente ed indipendente che svolge attività di assistenza artistica, di promozione Radiofonica, di produzione e distribuzione di progetti originali attraverso la sua casa discografica Noise Symphony. Un reale amplificatore per i tuoi progetti.
🇬🇧 The new portal for emerging and independent music that carries out artistic support, radio promotion, production and distribution of original projects through its record company Noise Symphony. A real amplifier for your projects.
All the material received through our site will be evaluated by the artistic panel of the Radio and - in the case of a positive outcome - will be included in the programming, in the Spotify Indieffusione playlist (+500 active followers), in the weekly ranking of the best news in collaboration with the MEI - Meeting of the independent and - moreover - will have access to various promotional opportunities on our channels.
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