Bio and how they support artists A female run podcast that was created to cover the underground music scene around the world with your host Emily Kurzenski! · 1042 followers · · · Genres accepted most often Indie rock Alternative rock Pop rock Indie pop Singer songwriter They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop Garage rock Hardcore Indie folk Indie rock Pop Punk Pop rock Psychedelic pop R&B Attributes Available on Spotify On stage experience Strong social media presence Supported artist Unsigned artist Upcoming project They are also open to receiving... Genres Cloud Rap / Hip Hop Jazz fusion Hip-hop Indie pop Lofi bedroom Metal / Heavy metal Post rock Punk Rock Singer songwriter Urban pop They don't want to receive... Genre Classical music Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Bristoltooth Trophy Husband MA Jaylock Grozov Kiaura Rose MooseCreek Park Valendina Max Volante Services I provide a space for lesser known artists to promote their music and share their stories of who they are and what they want to do with their project. Share on social networks They recently gave these artists opportunities Eclipse Avae Shared on their social media Looking Away Monotronic Shared on their social media Hold Fast Shawn Brown Shared on their social media Catch My Breath Whisker Shared on their social media They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Released tracks only This curator/pro is part of... Top music media outlets/journalists from United states Top media outlets/journalists for pop Top pop curators/pros from United states Top media outlets/journalists for alternative rock Top media outlets/journalists for indie rock Top media outlets/journalists for r&b Verified by Groover Learn more Activity on Groover 703 answers given Since signing up 73% answer rate Last 30 days 15% opportunity rate Last 12 months