Bio and how they support artists O Studio Marcio Markkx está focado na descoberta e divulgação de novos artistas brasileiros e da boa música! · 19000 followers · 15000 followers · · Genres accepted most often Pop rock Indie pop Indie rock Singer songwriter Christian music They want to receive... Genres Brazilian music Indie folk Indie pop Indie rock Modern jazz Pop rock Urban pop Moods Authentic Contemporary Indie Melodic Attributes Finished track Urban sounds Vocals Available on Spotify Young talent They are also open to receiving... Genres Bossa nova Christian music Experimental rock Funk Hard rock R&B Singer songwriter Soul Surf rock Moods Creative Good vibes Mainstream Positive Sensual Attributes Covers Demos Low fidelity Video clip Composer Unsigned artist They don't want to receive... Genres Classical music Country music Experimental electronic Melodic metal Oriental music Reggae Shoegaze Moods Dark Weird Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Jamie Cullum Pitty Djavan Bryan Behr ANAVITÓRIA NX Zero Imagine Dragons X Ambassadors The Score Sia Alicia Keys Pharrell Williams Justin Timberlake Justin Bieber OneRepublic Maria Gadú Tiago Iorc Ed Sheeran Marcio Markkx Mauro Henrique Services Contamos com playlists no Spotify, matérias no site, vídeos de react no YouTube para divulgação e sugestões na produção. Give detailed advice / feedback Share on my channel Do an interview Add to a playlist Share on social networks They recently gave these artists opportunities Lãs de Abril Christine Valença Added to a playlist The Morning of the Resurrection John Bergeron Added to a playlist Inside The Mirror Mister Pablo Added to a playlist Brave New World Johnny Bitcoin Added to a playlist They’re looking for... Lyrics in English and Portuguese Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music curators/pros for Brazil Top sound experts for pop Top pop curators/pros from Brazil Top sound experts for indie pop Top sound experts for pop rock Top sound experts for indie folk Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive Activity on Groover 687 answers given Since signing up 50% answer rate Last 30 days