Bio and how they support artists
LOOKUP! Is Your Music Team
Lo Staff che fa crescere il tuo Progetto Musicale
LookUP! Music Staff è un'agenzia di Servizi per artisti, musicisti, professionisti e aziende.
Segue tutta la filiera relativa al progetto, personalizzando le proposte e individuando i professionisti piu indicati per fornire ai musicisti un servizio volto a far crescere il loro progetto, e a professionisti e aziende una consulenza e servizi focalizzati alle necessità.
Comprende la creazione musicale, la scrittura dei testi e delle melodie, la produzione musicale, la registrazione, il missaggio e il mastering e la direzione artistica. La creazione di contenuti come Video, Grafiche, Photo Shooting e NFT.
Si occupa inoltre di Promozione, attraverso campagne mirate, adv, campagne stampa su testate giornalistiche, pagine e social network, promozione radiofonica nazionale e internazionale, promozione video, playlist Spotify e Youtube, strategie di comunicazione sui social network e realizzazione siti web.
LookUP! produce eventi, concerti, format musicali, privati e aziendali fornendo artisti, dj, cateing, service e altri servizi per un'esperienza unica!
Dalla sua nascita, LookUP! ha sviluppato oltre 200 progetti artistici, 50 eventi e 100 brani prodotti
LOOKUP! Is Your Music Team
The Staff That Makes Your Musical Project Grow
LookUP! Music Staff is a Services agency for artists, musicians, professionals and companies.
It follows the entire supply chain related to the project, customizing the proposals and identifying the most suitable professionals to provide musicians with a service aimed at growing their project, and professionals and companies with consultancy and services focused on their needs.
It includes musical creation, writing lyrics and melodies, musical production, recording, mixing and mastering and artistic direction. The creation of content such as Videos, Graphics, Photo Shooting and NFT.
It also deals with Promotion, through targeted campaigns, adv, press campaigns on newspapers, pages and social networks, national and international radio promotion, video promotion, Spotify and Youtube playlists, communication strategies on social networks and website creation.
LookUP! produces events, concerts, musical formats, private and corporate providing artists, DJs, catering, services and other services for a unique experience!
Since its birth, LookUP! has developed over 200 artistic projects, 50 events and 100 songs produced.
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