Bio and how they support artists Desde 2012, produzindo música ao vivo e pedalando pelo Brasil! Produção e Booking de Shows e Tours. · 12000 followers They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Electronica Hardcore Hip-hop Metal / Heavy metal Punk Rock Reggae Rock & Roll / Classic Rock They are also open to receiving... Genres Commercial / Mainstream Experimental jazz Instrumental R&B They don't want to receive... Genre Children's music Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade Letrux Facada Mombojó Danny Bond Potyguara Bardo Rodrigo Alarcon Getúlio Abelha Tagua Tagua ÀVUÀ Selvagens à Procura de Lei Papangu Seu Pereira e Coletivo 401 Krisiun Febre90s Brasil Grime Show Glue Trip Roberta Campos Services Atuamos construindo caminhos e circulando a música de artistas pelo Brasil, não só das capitais, como também o do interior. Write an article Give detailed advice / feedback Add to a playlist Share on social networks Organize an event They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music curators/pros for Brazil Top bookers for rock/punk Top rock/punk curators/pros from Brazil Top bookers for hip-hop Top bookers for alternative rock Top bookers for reggae Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know Organizes events They organize gigs Activity on Groover 50 answers given Since signing up 59% answer rate Last 30 days