Wave Pressure

Media Outlet/Journalist · Spanien


Wave Pressure es un espacio dedicado a la música underground. Un medio de comunicación que apoya incondicionamente a la escena emergente. Si eres parte de un grupo y deseas compartir tu música con nosotros, ¡estamos emocionados por escucharla y hablar sobre ella! Nos encanta explorar nuevos sonidos y promover el talento emergente. The Waves Brings Noise! -- Wave Pressure is a space dedicated to underground music. A media that wholeheartedly supports the emerging scene. If you are part of a band and want to share your music with us, we are excited to hear and talk about it! We love exploring new sounds and promoting emerging talent. The Waves Brings Noise! At Wave Pressure, we are committed to supporting and promoting emerging artists, with a special focus on punk, pop punk, hardcore, metal and countless other sub-genres. Our main audience is in Spain, closely followed by the United States and Latin America. If you are part of a band or a solo artist and are looking for a platform to get your music out there, we are here to help you make it happen! We are open to receiving singles, doing interviews or even reviews. We'd love to hear your work and share it with our audience eager to discover new sounds. Nothing excites us more than being part of an artist's journey to success. So, if you're ready to ride the Wave Pressure wave, don't hesitate to contact us! Together, let's make the noise of the waves even more deafening.
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Alternativer Rock
Hard Rock
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    Alternativer Rock
    Hard Rock
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    Metal / Heavy metal
    New wave
    Progressiver Rock
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    Kommerziell / Mainstream
    K-Pop / J-Pop
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Überprüft von Groover

Gut zu wissen
Hohe Antwortquote Sie sind derzeit sehr aktiv und geben Feedback zu mehr als 90 % der eingegangenen Track.
Hohe Teilungsrate Sie geben mehr als 15 % der eingegangenen Tracks eine Chance

Aktivität auf Groover
432 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
100% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
19% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
Das Senden eines Tracks an diesen Kurator pro kostet