As an advertising plan we have many strong and valid campaigns, to make your song stand out at 100%, we will send your track as a demo to the best international DJs where they will play your song in their sets and also give you a review of it. Then we will publish articles in industry blogs and magazines. We will advertise your track on social media with influencers in the industry with millions of followers. Besides this we will put the songs on playlists with a huge following to make it easy to find the tracks on spotify and apple music. We will make you a presentation dj set where at the beginning you will talk about your upcoming record, this dj set, we will publish it in our podcast Trip Records Sets, which today boasts over 3 million plays per month. As for the dates, we will contact the agencies, and you will speak directly with them to see if they have room to insert you in their booking system, but according to our experiences they always tend to attract new artists but who already have enough following . I hope it was exhaustive. let me know if you want to release your first EP with Trip records
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