La Grande Onda

Verlag · Italien


🇮🇹 L'etichetta discografica indipendente La Grande Onda, fondata da Tommaso "Piotta" Zanello nel 2004, produce, promuove, edita e distribuisce sul territorio nazionale, avvalendosi di partner come Audioglobe, Edel Music, Hitmania, Made in Etaly, Self, Warner Chappell, Universo, Universal Music al fine di garantire ai suoi artisti maggior visibilità possibile ed una distribuzione capillare, fatta a misura del loro progetto, sia sul territorio che sulle piattaforme digitali. Nel 2012 all'interno de La Grande Onda nasce poi Malatempora, sezione della label dedicata alle sonorità rock alternative. 🇬🇧 The independent record label La Grande Onda, founded by Tommaso "Piotta" Zanello in 2004, produces, promotes, edits and distributes nationally, using partners such as Audioglobe, Edel Music, Hitmania, Made in Etaly, Self, Warner Chappell, Universe, Universal Music in order to guarantee its artists the greatest possible visibility and a widespread distribution, tailored to their project, both on the territory and on digital platforms. In 2012 Malatempora was born inside La Grande Onda, a section of the label dedicated to alternative rock sounds.
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    Alternativer Rock
    Internationaler Pop
    Rap auf Englisch
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Record label/We provide the opportunity for artists to work with us supported by our label in the GO ON section, which is specifically dedicated to young emerging artists. In addition, we support the artists at the editorial level.
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