NOTE: WE CANNOT POST/SHARE STATIC IMAGE YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Lyric, AI, visualiser, full, are fine. STATIC IMAGE is not. If that's all you have then run it through a visualiser first. That will do.
Youtube VIDEO = post and share to our socials (it doesn't have to be sophisticated, just as long as it's not a static image.
No video - Feedback and recommendation you get one done and to send us the link.
Supporting rock, metal, prog, extreme metal and sub-genres; unsigned bands and independent/small label bands and bands playing grass roots venues. For single coverage you will need a lyric/full video that we can post to our FaceBook and Twitter accounts (FB we aim to share to up to 10 other groups that fit the music.) You need a social media presence and be active on acknowledging posts - shares/re-posts, likes, comments (this helps reach and engagement and helps your music reach more people.) For album/EP reviews we will need music files + art work via dropbox or similar or bandcamp download code.
We post videos (lyric or full) to our socials and share to places where we think they'll fit best to increase their reach. We don't share spotify/deezer/soundcloud links to our socials. No video, no share.
We also produce Loud Enough Magazine - a free digital fully hyperlinked pdf - where we review live shows (in London) review albums/EPs (must be downloadable with artwork) and conduct interviews in English.
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